Monday, December 16, 2013
The Christmas Soup Party is on Friday December 20th at 6PM in the RV Park by the Campfire! Please bring a pot of soup to share and join us for good food and conversation!
There will be a White Elephant Gift Exchange for those who want to participate. Gift limit is $10, it is one wrapped gift per participant.
There will be a contest for the Best Decorated Hat, use your imagination and get your hat ready!
If you need more information, please call 727-868-9324.
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Bowling at Hudson Bowl!
The Aripeka Gutterball Bowling Association
Will begin it's conquest of the alleys at Hudson Bowl on Wednesday, December 18th at 6:30 PM. We usually bowl play a three game series. Food and drinks are available, good fun,
scores not important!
Any questions, ask Rob or Ali.
Let us know ahead of time if you're interested so we can make sure we have enough alleys available
Christmas Soup Party
3rd Annual Aripeka West
Christmas Soup Party
Friday December 20th at 6 PM in the RV Park.
White Elephant Gift Exchange
Christmas Hat Decorating Contest
Bring a Pot of Soup and Join Us
Monday, December 2, 2013
Monday, November 25, 2013
Reinstating your PO BOX at the NEW Aripeka Post Office
You are required to have a picture ID and one additional piece of ID with you PHYSICAL ADDRESS on it. The USPS calls this traceable identification.
The Park CANNOT help you on the picture identification, but if you have a problem with a traceable ID, we will write a letter for you to take with you to the Post Office. In the past this is all that was required and we are hoping it will continue to be accepted.
For those of you living in the Mobile Home Park, your WREC (electric) Bill has your physical address on it. Even though it is mailed to you PO Box, your physical address and lot number appear on it.
For those of you in the RV Park, it might not be as easy. Check you automobile insurance, health insurance, tax return and other mail to see if your physical address appears on them anywhere. As a last resort you or a friend can mail you a letter address like this.
ARIPEKA, FL 34679-0 followed by your 3 digit PO Box #
If your mail is always addressed this way, it will cover your traceable mail for the Post Office and for renewing your Florida Driver's License.
Friday, November 22, 2013
The Mail Comes to Aripeka Once Again!
The USPS has inform Carl Norfleet that barring any unforeseen circumstances the Aripeka Post Office will re-open on November 25, 2013.
This is certainly good news for those of us living in Aripeka West. Not sure how you will get a key to your PO Box in the "new" Aripeka Post Office, guess you just have to go and ask. Maybe there is a possibility they will put them in your Hudson PO Box like they did here when the Aripeka Post Office closed back in September. We do not know if the PO Boxes are the same ones as before with the same lock or if they are new ones or maybe the locks have been changed. Thinking we will know on Monday when they open the door to our "new" Post Office! See you there!
Friday, November 1, 2013
The USPS Returns to Aripeka!
Today it is official, the USPS has again taken possession of the Post Office Building on Aripeka Road. It is not certain when the USPS will actually re-open our Post Office, but the lease is in place and they can begin their work!

Thanks to all who wrote letters, made phone calls, signed petitions, attended meetings and worked with the media to help make this happen. And a special "thank you" to Carl Norfleet, had he not stepped up to purchase the building we would have lost our Post Office in Aripeka forever.
Monday, October 28, 2013
Aripeka Post Office makes the News...Again!
New word on the Aripeka Post Office in the news Saturday October 26, 2013.
It has been a month and a half and now we hear they are considering us a "NEW" Post Office location. Again, there is the "LANGUAGE" being used by the USPS. The USPS seems to have a "LANGUAGE" all its own when it comes to getting things their way.
All in Aripeka are hoping for an agreement between the USPS and Carl Norfleet regarding a lease agreement to RE-OPEN our OLD POST OFFICE or as the USPS refers to it, "A NEW POST OFFICE LOCATION!"
Friday, October 25, 2013
Community Yard Sale! Saturday Only!
Aripeka West
Community Yard Sale
Saturday October 26th
8 AM till 1 PM
9230 Elmira Avenue
Aripeka, Florida
From Pasco County, US 19
North to Aripeka Road left on Aripeka Rd 1.5 miles right on Elmira. From Hernando County, US 19 South to Aripeka
Road right on Aripeka Road 1.5 miles right on Elmira From Hernando Beach and Weeki Wachee, Shoal
Line to right on Osowaw following the Gulf , across the 2 bridges where Aripeka
Road begins to left on Elmira.
Tools, RV and boating
items, furniture, exercise equipment, copier/fax, kitchen items, Christmas
decorations, space heater, lamps, label maker, books, craft items, Karaoke
Machine, puzzles, small appliances and much more.
Just need to come and see what all we
have. There will be plenty of signs in place
to get you to the sale! We have lots of
parking, but the roads are somewhat narrow in the Park, please pull off the
roads and onto the empty lots to park. Hope to see you there!
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Anyone want to go Kayaking?
We had to cancel our Kayaking Trip scheduled for October 21st as there was no response from anyone about the trip. Maybe it was not a good day for the trip, but a Monday was chosen because it is a quiet day on the Weeki Wachee River and we had a better chance to see the wildlife and enjoying the river at a slower pace.
If you are interested in scheduling another Kayaking Trip, please contact Gail and let her know what day is best for you and we can go from there.
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Pasta Pot Luck
On Tuesday October 15th at 5PM we will celebrate the return of our Winter Guests with a Pasta Pot Luck Dinner. Remember folks that "Pasta" doesn't only mean Italian! I can think of many different ways to serve Pasta, from casseroles to salads and even desserts, check it out
So think out of the spaghetti box!
Please bring a dish and join us.
Please bring a dish and join us.
This is a great looking dessert, don't you think?
Pasta Salad anyone?
Pizza without the crust...
Even good old Mac & Cheese!
Month #1 with NO Post Office in Aripeka.
A full month has past since the Aripeka Post Office was CLOSED and those of us living on the Pasco County side of Aripeka remain without reasonable service from the USPS.
Those of us living in the affected area have friends and relatives who pay for postage to send us mail. They pay the full amount for the postage, but are not given the same service for their money as they would if they were mailing to friends or relatives almost anywhere else in the United States. Delivering our mail to an unwanted (even if it is free) PO Box seven miles away is just not the same as delivering our mail curbside. There are existing nearby rural carrier routes, but the USPS will neither add to an existing route nor make a new route for those affected in Aripeka. Just for the record, Aripeka is not in the middle of nowhere, we are located about a mile and a half west of US 19 (one of the busiest north/south highways on the west coast of Florida) on the Gulf of Mexico.
The closing of a neighborhood Post Office location would be traumatic in most cities and towns, but in Aripeka, it has been even harder to deal with because we do not receive curbside mail delivery to our homes. We relied on our local Post Office to receive our mail.
We are very sorry that the USPS has found itself in this sad state of financial distress, but closing a Post Office in a town that does not receive curbside delivery is unreasonable and unfair to the citizens of the community.
There are several Post Office locations in Spring Hill, Florida (just minutes from Aripeka). The Post Office at 7341 Spring Hill Drive and the location at 8501 Philatelic Drive are a mere 3.4 miles apart and yet they both remain open even in the dire financial straits the USPS has found itself in. Would it not make good financial sense to close the Spring Hill Drive location that appears to be a rental office and consolidate the two units? It would cause very little problem for anyone in the Spring Hill area as all of those citizens receive curbside delivery of their mail.
What it all comes down to is MONEY or the lack of it on the part of the USPS. It would have been less expensive for the USPS to deliver mail to those affected in Aripeka than to operate a Post Office, even with curtailed hours, but now it seems that the USPS will be able to save lots of money by just not servicing those affected at all. A free PO Box in Hudson costs them nothing, since these boxes were not being used in the first place.
Read this to see just how serious the USPS financial woes really are.
Aripeka West Community Yard Sale
Join in the fun and make a little money at the same time! Aripeka West will have a Community Yard Sale on Saturday October 26th from 8AM till 1PM.
Please let us know if you will be participating so we can get our signs set up properly. You will just set up your sale in your yard and we will have signs directing folks your way!
If you are selling something unique, please let us know and we will mention it in our ad on Craigslist.
Hoping this will be a big event!
Friday, October 4, 2013
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
It is not about money!
The USPS said in the Community Meeting that the closing of the Aripeka Post Office was NOT about MONEY... then a few minutes later it was noted that the Aripeka Post Office only made about $12/day, which must be better than most other Post Offices considering how much the USPS is losing every month. Then a USPS representative basically said," if you owned a business that only made $12/day would you keep it open?" IT'S NOY ABOUT MONEY, REALLY, ARE THEY SURE?
Saturday, September 28, 2013
The Post Office in Aripeka
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This Post Office means a lot to a lot of people! |
Bay News 9 announced this morning that Carl Norfleet had purchased the land where the Aripeka Post Office is located and intends to enter negotiations with the USPS to sign a new lease to continue the operation of the Post Office in Aripeka.
For those of you who did not attend the Public Meeting with the USPS, Carl Norfleet announced at the meeting that he would buy the land IF the USPS would consider entering into a new lease with him to operate the Post Office in Aripeka. There was no definitive decision at the meeting but representatives from the USPS said it was certainly something they would consider.
By purchasing the land on this week, Carl Norfleet has put the possible lease back on the table, now we wait and see how the USPS responds to this development. Here's hoping they will sign a new lease and get our Post Office going again.
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
As the rain continues to fall for the fourth day in a row, the puddles are getting deeper, but luckily we have sandy soil and there is not a lot of mud. The ibis' have joined the wild turkeys in the field and are enjoying a nice meal.
Seems like ONLY the birds are enjoying this weather, the rest of us are tired of it!
Seems like ONLY the birds are enjoying this weather, the rest of us are tired of it!
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Speak Out, the USPS is just forgetting about us in Aripeka!
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Friday the 13th was a very unlucky day for those of us who live in Aripeka West and most other Aripekans, the USPS officially closed the Post Office located on Aripeka Road. This Post office had been in operations since the early 1920's, but now it is only a memory.
The USPS says it was closed due to a lease dispute, but those of us who used this Post Office as the ONLY way to get mail delivery feel completely forgotten by the USPS. It is like we really don't exist as far as the USPS is concerned, 189 households and more moving here each day as our winter residents return, who now must travel 14 miles and spend 30 minutes of their day, just to get their mail, all of this while almost all residents of the United States enjoy curbside delivery, there are even places in the country that still get mail delivered to their door!
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MY mail delivered? Only in my dreams! |
All we are asking for is that OUR mail be available in OUR community, "cluster boxes" would be fine with us, curbside delivery would be fine too. We are not asking for anything that adjoining communities do not already have, their mail delivered by the United States Postal Service.
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Possible solution for getting MY mail |
They sent us letters to notify us of the impending closing on September 21st back in August, then came a new letter moving the closing up a week to September 13th, then on September 10th I received a letter saying "Thank You" for completing our questionnaire, what questionnaire did I complete, I haven't completed a questionnaire since late summer 2012 when the USPS asked everyone living in
Aripeka whether they favored keeping the Post Office open with reduced hours or getting curbside delivery or moving it all to the Hudson unit. I voted for curbside delivery, but I know a lot of you voted for keeping the Post Office open with reduced hours. I now believe that the USPS had no real intentions of keeping the Post Office in Aripeka open, it was just USPS's way of saying we gave you a chance and hey, you didn't want change, now it is just going to be our way or nothing!
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Where I used to MY mail! |
To add insult to injury, The USPS enclosed another notice appropriately called "Post Office On Wheels" explaining the abundances of services offered by MY Rural or Highway Carrier. What Rural or Highway Carrier do I have??? Are they just completely stupid or what??? Why in the world would the USPS brag about all their services available from the mail carrier when their is NO mail carrier in my area???
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The Missing MAILBOX that all of MY Postal Services Revolve Around! |
The Postal Service has a long history of using manufactured problems over lease negotiations to close post offices by emergency suspension, to initiate a discontinuance procedure, and to justify relocations to smaller spaces. The Postal Service typically tells the media that the landlord terminated the lease or the parties couldn’t come to an agreement. Just as typically, the landlord reveals that the Postal Service really wasn’t interested in renewing the lease to begin with.
This happens all the time. Over the past few days, three more cases have been reported in the media — in New Canaan, Connecticut; Aripeka, Florida, and Chattanooga, Tennessee. The stories are strikingly similar, see more
On Wednesday September 18th, a Community Meeting has been scheduled from 5PM till 7PM at the Aripeka Community Center located at 1393 Osowaw Blvd Spring Hill Florida 34607 Please be sure that you attend this meeting and SPEAK UP to get YOUR mail delivered to YOUR home or at least to YOUR community!
By the way, for the 189 or so households located in Aripeka on the Pasco County side, please note that the meeting is taking place at the Aripeka Community Center, in Aripeka, oh I mean Spring Hill, where mail in delivered curbside daily, except Sunday! All of Aripeka deserves the same services from the USPS. Demand your rights!
Everyone, read the papers sent to you by the USPS, note that the USPS is listing the Hudson Post Office as 9.9 miles from the Aripeka Post Office location and the Spring Hill Post is closer at only 9.7 miles away! I don't think anyone really cares which Post Office delivers mail to us or what Zip Code we have to use to get our mail delivered, just that it is delivered. It seems must more sensible for our mail to be delivered from Spring Hill since the Spring Hill Post Office delivers mail to as close as Norfleet's Store between bridges in Aripeka. Norfleet's Store is located only a few hundred feet from the now closed Aripeka Post office.
At Aripeka West, I have already had a couple of our residents report that they could not find the Hudson Post Office. I can see how this could happen since the Hudson Post Office is not visible from US 19 and if you are going there from Aripeka, it requires a hazardous U-Turn on US 19 in a curve to turn on to the street leading back to the Post Office.
Read comments about the Hudson Post Office, it looks like they have not gotten too many "stars" in the last few years!
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
USPS New Television
August 28, 2013
This past weekend while watching
television, I was treated to the new USPS commercial. Most people probably would not have been
offended by it, but in Aripeka, Florida with the closing of our local Post
Office just a couple of weeks from now, I took notice. Watch it yourself and see what you think!
The USPS commercial is touting their Priority Mail Services in the
offending commercial, nothing wrong with trying to sell your services, but it
was like rubbing salt on an open wound, when an actor in the commercial talks
about delivering mail to every person, everywhere in the United States. Last check, Aripeka was definitely in the
United States, but the USPS does not deliver the mail, Priority or other to
many residents of Aripeka. Instead
Aripeka residents must go to the Aripeka Post Office to pick up their mail, not
by choice, but for the convenience of the USPS.
Starting September 14, 2013, Aripeka residents must travel to the Hudson
Post Office (7 miles to the south of Aripeka) to pick up their mail, again, not
by choice but for the convenience of the USPS.
Aripeka is a very small community,
but it is not located “off the beaten path”.
The USPS in Hudson delivers to mail to homes located less than a mile to
the south and the USPS in Spring Hill delivers mail only about 100 feet to the
north. Aripeka, because it straddles
the Hernando/Pasco county line, is divided between “the haves and the have not’s”
when it come to service from the USPS.
Those on the Pasco County side of the county line are left without home
delivery service while those living next door on the Hernando County side have
curbside delivery. Is this fair, not
really, but that is just the way it has always been. Now with the closing of the unit in Aripeka, the
USPS can really just forget about Aripeka altogether, but just so they know, we
are located in the United States and deserve service from USPS just like other places
in the United States.
Aripeka Made the front page of the Tampa Bay Times, but I don't think the USPS is listening.
Aripeka's small but beloved post office slated to close Sept. 13

The U.S. Postal Service has lost more than $25 billion since 2007, so it's hard to imagine any of its honchos getting too worked up about closing the little post office in Aripeka — or that it will make much of a dent in the deep red bottom line.
But to the 300 or so folks who live in the coastal community that straddles Pasco and Hernando counties, this is distressing news. Unless somebody really important steps up to save it, the Aripeka post office will shut down on Sept. 13.
The Pasco side residents don't get home delivery, so the post office provides free boxes. That won't change, but now retrieving mail will mean a 7-mile drive to Hudson.
Those who live in Hernando are in the Spring Hill ZIP code, so they get delivery. Still, many of them rent boxes at the post office and depend on it for services.
The postal service blames the closure on the landlord, which if you know anything about Aripeka history, seems almost laughable.
Louise Geiger, 83, has been leasing the building for years at $600 a month. The contract has always been simple. One page. This year, she says, the postal service sent her a thick packet full of forms to sign. She said it would take a lawyer to figure them out and she was already looking at increased premiums for liability insurance.
"I just told them I wasn't signing it,'' she said.
The postal service then used all those free boxes to announce the closure. It cited "federally mandated language required in the lease.''
Geiger is the oldest resident of Aripeka who was born there. Her grandfather, James B. Kolb, took over as postmaster in 1921, when the government decided to end mail delivery that had begun in the late 1800s. Kolb served until his death in 1945 and his daughter, Lizzie Bell Jackson, took over until her retirement in 1971.
Geiger was born to Ellen and Henry Norfleet in a house next door to the post office. In 2008, she located the old wooden structure that had once served as the post office and paid several thousand dollars to buy and move it next to the present modern office.
"I had to save it,'' she said at the time. "For my grandfather. For my family.''
This doesn't sound like a woman unwilling to negotiate. Her supporters believe postal service officials are just using her rejection of the contract as an excuse to do something they have wanted to do for years — close a rural outpost that does little business.
Spokeswoman Enola Rice said the postal service is "seeking suitable alternate quarters in the immediate area for the Aripeka Post Office,'' which seems a bit unlikely. The post office, the Baptist church and the Norfleet family's old store are about the only nonresidential structures in the community.
Julie Wert, 64, retired to Aripeka after 30 years with the postal service, including as a letter carrier out of the Hudson office. She can't get home delivery because she lives more than a half-mile from the last rural carrier's stop in the 34667 ZIP code.
She said the Hudson office did a cost analysis recently on 189 deliveries to mailboxes along the road in Aripeka — $12,000 a year.
"I guess that's too much for them,'' she said. "I understand cost cutting, but shutting down a post office and forcing people to drive so far for their mail is contributing to the downfall of the postal system.''
She also believes the postal service could wave its wand and make all of Aripeka one ZIP code with home delivery. Spokeswoman Rice did not respond to that question, submitted by email.
Alta Trufant, 77, has lived in Aripeka 26 years. She lives in Hernando and gets delivery, but she and husband Ken have kept their post office box.
"It's more than a post office to us,'' she said, echoing the sentiments of residents who stopped on Monday to check for mail. "It's the heart of our community.''
About three years ago, Trufant's pet cockatiel, Ramsey, flew from his cage. She put up a note on the bulletin board at the post office and within days had him back. The board heralds community pot luck dinners and other special events, but this week it's full of notes begging to "save our post office,'' complete with addresses of the congressional delegation.
Trufant recalls visiting the Elfers post office near New Port Richey as a girl. Residents scrolled down lists of names, searching for news about soldiers fighting in World War II.
"Everyone knew everyone,'' she said. "Much like today in Aripeka.''
Aripeka's small but beloved post office slated to close Sept. 13
Bill Stevens, Times Columnist
BILL STEVENSTampa Bay TimesTuesday, August 27, 2013 2:29pmThe U.S. Postal Service has lost more than $25 billion since 2007, so it's hard to imagine any of its honchos getting too worked up about closing the little post office in Aripeka — or that it will make much of a dent in the deep red bottom line.
But to the 300 or so folks who live in the coastal community that straddles Pasco and Hernando counties, this is distressing news. Unless somebody really important steps up to save it, the Aripeka post office will shut down on Sept. 13.
The Pasco side residents don't get home delivery, so the post office provides free boxes. That won't change, but now retrieving mail will mean a 7-mile drive to Hudson.
Those who live in Hernando are in the Spring Hill ZIP code, so they get delivery. Still, many of them rent boxes at the post office and depend on it for services.
The postal service blames the closure on the landlord, which if you know anything about Aripeka history, seems almost laughable.
Louise Geiger, 83, has been leasing the building for years at $600 a month. The contract has always been simple. One page. This year, she says, the postal service sent her a thick packet full of forms to sign. She said it would take a lawyer to figure them out and she was already looking at increased premiums for liability insurance.
"I just told them I wasn't signing it,'' she said.
The postal service then used all those free boxes to announce the closure. It cited "federally mandated language required in the lease.''
Geiger is the oldest resident of Aripeka who was born there. Her grandfather, James B. Kolb, took over as postmaster in 1921, when the government decided to end mail delivery that had begun in the late 1800s. Kolb served until his death in 1945 and his daughter, Lizzie Bell Jackson, took over until her retirement in 1971.
Geiger was born to Ellen and Henry Norfleet in a house next door to the post office. In 2008, she located the old wooden structure that had once served as the post office and paid several thousand dollars to buy and move it next to the present modern office.
"I had to save it,'' she said at the time. "For my grandfather. For my family.''
This doesn't sound like a woman unwilling to negotiate. Her supporters believe postal service officials are just using her rejection of the contract as an excuse to do something they have wanted to do for years — close a rural outpost that does little business.
Spokeswoman Enola Rice said the postal service is "seeking suitable alternate quarters in the immediate area for the Aripeka Post Office,'' which seems a bit unlikely. The post office, the Baptist church and the Norfleet family's old store are about the only nonresidential structures in the community.
Julie Wert, 64, retired to Aripeka after 30 years with the postal service, including as a letter carrier out of the Hudson office. She can't get home delivery because she lives more than a half-mile from the last rural carrier's stop in the 34667 ZIP code.
She said the Hudson office did a cost analysis recently on 189 deliveries to mailboxes along the road in Aripeka — $12,000 a year.
"I guess that's too much for them,'' she said. "I understand cost cutting, but shutting down a post office and forcing people to drive so far for their mail is contributing to the downfall of the postal system.''
She also believes the postal service could wave its wand and make all of Aripeka one ZIP code with home delivery. Spokeswoman Rice did not respond to that question, submitted by email.
Alta Trufant, 77, has lived in Aripeka 26 years. She lives in Hernando and gets delivery, but she and husband Ken have kept their post office box.
"It's more than a post office to us,'' she said, echoing the sentiments of residents who stopped on Monday to check for mail. "It's the heart of our community.''
About three years ago, Trufant's pet cockatiel, Ramsey, flew from his cage. She put up a note on the bulletin board at the post office and within days had him back. The board heralds community pot luck dinners and other special events, but this week it's full of notes begging to "save our post office,'' complete with addresses of the congressional delegation.
Trufant recalls visiting the Elfers post office near New Port Richey as a girl. Residents scrolled down lists of names, searching for news about soldiers fighting in World War II.
"Everyone knew everyone,'' she said. "Much like today in Aripeka.''
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Sign Our Petition!
Don't Just Stand There
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We cannot sit idly by and let the United States Postal Service take away our Post Office.
Everyone living on the Pasco County side of Aripeka has an interest in keeping the Aripeka Post Office in Aripeka. We depend on this Post Office to receive our mail, since the United States Postal Service does not deliver mail to our homes.
A petition will be making the rounds on Sunday August 18th and Monday August 19th, please make sure to sign it. Call the office at 727-868-9324 and we will make sure the petition gets to you!
A petition will be making the rounds on Sunday August 18th and Monday August 19th, please make sure to sign it. Call the office at 727-868-9324 and we will make sure the petition gets to you!
This is taken directly from
Postal Facts
Facts and figures about your Postal Service
Postal Facts 2013
Both literally and figuratively, the United States Postal Service delivers for America.
Even in an increasingly digital world, the Postal Service remains part of the bedrock infrastructure of this nation’s economy, serving its people and businesses and binding the nation together.
The core function of the Postal Service is the safe, reliable, affordable delivery of mail and packages to every address in the country and its territories.
The Postal Service delivers more mail to more addresses in a larger geographical area than any other post in the world.
The timely service provided daily depends on an astonishing network of facilities, technology and people that collect, transport, process and deliver the nation’s mail.
Apparently EVERY ADDRESS in the country does not include Aripeka!
Talk of Cluster Boxes is everywhere!
But not being discussed for those living in Aripeka!
How far should a recipient of US Mail have to travel to pick up a letter or package addressed to Zip Code 34679?
7 Miles one way is TOO far! If the only need for a Post Office in Aripeka was to buy a stamp or mail a package, maybe 7 Miles is reasonable, but to PICK-UP mail from a Post Office Box because the United States Postal Service does not provide mail delivery to our street address, 7 Miles is way out of line!
We all have heard how the Post Office is going broke, but when it was suggested that Saturday Mail delivery be eliminated, those who receive mail delivered to their home or business protested that it was not fair, but here in Aripeka, where there is NO mail delivery to our street addresses on Saturday or any other day of the week, it seems the Postal Service thinks those affected by the closing of the Aripeka Post Office should not be complaining.
While home delivery would be the best solution for Aripeka, it is a known fact that the Postal Service is trying their best to eliminate home delivery
We in Aripeka affected by the closing of the Aripeka Post Office would be perfectly happy with a Cluster Box located within our community.
WFLA Channel 8, the NBC affiliate serving our area will be at Aripeka West on Tuesday Morning August 20th at 9:30 AM to do an "8 on Your Side" segment for the news. Please be pro-active and attend this event!
Both literally and figuratively, the United States Postal Service delivers for America.
Even in an increasingly digital world, the Postal Service remains part of the bedrock infrastructure of this nation’s economy, serving its people and businesses and binding the nation together.
The core function of the Postal Service is the safe, reliable, affordable delivery of mail and packages to every address in the country and its territories.
The Postal Service delivers more mail to more addresses in a larger geographical area than any other post in the world.
The timely service provided daily depends on an astonishing network of facilities, technology and people that collect, transport, process and deliver the nation’s mail.
Apparently EVERY ADDRESS in the country does not include Aripeka!
Talk of Cluster Boxes is everywhere!
But not being discussed for those living in Aripeka!
How far should a recipient of US Mail have to travel to pick up a letter or package addressed to Zip Code 34679?
7 Miles one way is TOO far! If the only need for a Post Office in Aripeka was to buy a stamp or mail a package, maybe 7 Miles is reasonable, but to PICK-UP mail from a Post Office Box because the United States Postal Service does not provide mail delivery to our street address, 7 Miles is way out of line!
We all have heard how the Post Office is going broke, but when it was suggested that Saturday Mail delivery be eliminated, those who receive mail delivered to their home or business protested that it was not fair, but here in Aripeka, where there is NO mail delivery to our street addresses on Saturday or any other day of the week, it seems the Postal Service thinks those affected by the closing of the Aripeka Post Office should not be complaining.
While home delivery would be the best solution for Aripeka, it is a known fact that the Postal Service is trying their best to eliminate home delivery
We in Aripeka affected by the closing of the Aripeka Post Office would be perfectly happy with a Cluster Box located within our community.
WFLA Channel 8, the NBC affiliate serving our area will be at Aripeka West on Tuesday Morning August 20th at 9:30 AM to do an "8 on Your Side" segment for the news. Please be pro-active and attend this event!
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Friday, August 9, 2013
Monday, August 5, 2013
Rabies Alert in Pasco County
There has been a Rabies Alert issued for northwest Pasco County. While this alert does not include Aripeka, it is too close for comfort. If you see any animal acting strangely, please contact Pasco County Animal Services at (727) 834-3216, (813) 929-1212, or (352) 521-5194
There is an additional Rabies Alert for a portion of Hillsborough County.
Sunday, August 4, 2013
It's Hurricane Season, Be Prepared
We are at the “peak” time for Hurricanes and although the
tropics are quiet right now we must be on alert. Storms can form overnight from the coast of
Africa to the Caribbean to the Gulf of Mexico.
We must all be prepared to leave Aripeka West Mobile Home and RV Park if
an evacuation order is issued by Pasco County Emergency Management.
It is not safe to remain in a Mobile Home during a hurricane
under any circumstances. Aripeka is
especially vulnerable to hurricane damage due to its close proximity to the
Gulf of Mexico. If there is a storm
surge, Aripeka will flood very quickly.
The winds from a hurricane will be fierce and Mobile Homes are just not
designed to withstand them.
Please make your evacuation plans now, don’t wait till there
is a storm approaching. You must
find a place to stay inland that is not a mobile home. Pasco County will open shelters if they are
needed, but they will fill fast once the evacuation order is given.
If you have pets, please make plans for them too; they can only
be taken to a few shelters, so you will want to have a nice safe place for them
to stay. Do not leave them in your
Mobile Home or RV during the storm; it is not any safer for them than it is for
you. Domestic animals are not like the
wildlife, their instincts are not the same, they rely on YOU to keep them safe, so
please do not let them down. You will
need their leashes, collars, crates, beds, medication, tags and vaccination
records. You will also need their food
and water and the dishes for them to eat and drink from.
Please help us to keep damage to the Mobile Homes and RV’s
in Aripeka West to a minimum by putting outdoor furniture and any other items
you normally keep outside in a place where they do not become “flying missiles”
during the storm causing extra damage.
The best place to store these is inside your mobile home.
The only good thing about Hurricanes is
that you will get an advanced warning so you can prepare in case the evacuation
order does come. This will give you the
time to gather things that are important to you and things that cannot be
replaced. Remember to take medications
for your entire family (including your pets) in their original containers, take
foods that can be eaten without any cooking or refrigeration, water for the
entire family for 3 days, toys and quiet games for children, blankets, sheets,
towels and wash cloths and clothing for several days. You will need your insurance policies, your
banking information (including checks and bank cards), Birth Certificates,
important medical records including vaccination records and other important
Even though the price of gas is very high right now, try to
keep your cars gas tank full, gas quickly becomes unavailable in the days right
before and after a storm. Get cash,
ATM’s may not be working for days after a storm and you will need the cash to
purchase necessary supplies. Always
best to BE PREPARED!
Saturday, August 3, 2013
BJ & Gene!
We had a great time celebrating with BJ & Gene on Thursday night, they danced all evening!
Good food, thanks for bringing your covered dishes!
Wonderful music, thank you Henry!
And cake to make the celebration complete! Thanks Stan for your contribution of the cake!
The Cake!
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Meet and Greet for Gene Johnson
Congratulations BJ & Gene
On Thursday August 1, 2013 at 6PM we are having a party to wish BJ & Gene a very long and happy marriage! We all need to bring a dish, (a casserole or something cooked in the crock pot would be great) and celebrate with BJ and Gene. They were married on July 12th and have just returned from their honeymoon on the beach.

Please make sure to sign the card for BJ & Gene when you arrive at the party, we want them to have a "keepsake" of the occasion!
See you there!
Monday, July 29, 2013
This is the letter from Pasco County Utilities regarding the water shutdown. My understanding is that they are installing a new water meter.
Please heed the BOIL WATER NOTICE as well as the cautions on your ice cubes (if you have a automatic ice maker in your freezer) and the possibility of damaging your hot water heater if it is not turned off while the water is shut off.
The park will notify you when the BOIL WATER Notice is lifted.
July 24, 2013
To All Customers at: Aripeka West MH & RV Park
This is to notify you that Pasco County Utilities Department will be turning the water off for system improvements on Tuesday July 30, 2013 from 9AM to 5PM. Please note that this work will not be performed if there is any inclement weather or unforeseen circumstances.
Some caution should be exercised while the water is turned off such as turning off hot water heaters to eliminate heating element damage and storing water for drinking and hygiene.
We appreciate your cooperation and wish to assure you that the renovation will be completed in the shortest time possible to cause you the least amount of inconvenience.
As a precautionary measure, once water is turned back on we advise that all water used for drinking or cooking be boiled. A rolling boil for one minute is sufficient. In addition, ice cubes made during the time that water is being boiled should be discarded.
Pasco County Utilities will rescind the notice after receiving satisfactory bacteriological survey results, which may take several days. You will then be notified by posting or hand delivery.
For additional information, please contact Pasco County Utilities at (727) 847-8144.
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Summer Clean Up
We are asking you to help us Keep Aripeka West Clean
Everyone can do their part by stepping outside and taking an objective look at what others see when they drive by your home.
Thanks for your help!
Monday, July 15, 2013
Sunday, July 14, 2013
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